Stop Drug Company Price-Gouging

Alliance for Retired Americans

As you’ve probably heard, we recently celebrated a victory. Alliance members made thousands of phone calls and participated in demonstrations — and our efforts helped force the Senate to reject their destructive Obamacare repeal bill.

But the battle for affordable, quality health care isn’t over. Drug corporations are raking in huge profits at the expense of seniors and all Americans, forcing us to pay astronomical amounts for essential prescription drugs like EpiPen and diabetes medications. Americans pay the highest prescription drug prices in the world.

That’s why we need your help. Will you please take action and sign this petition saying that you support requiring Medicare to negotiate lower prescription drug prices?

Last year, the CEO of Mylan, the company that makes EpiPen, received $97.6 million in compensation, yet Mylan charged $608 for a two-pack of its medicine. Humalog Insulin was accused of fixing insulin prices during the same period that it took in $2.7 billion of profits. Martin Shkreli, former CEO of Turing Pharmaceuticals, summed it up best when he explained why his company had i nflated the price of its HIV/cancer drug by 5,000 percent: “almost all of it is profit.”

Drug companies have shown again and again that they will put profits ahead of patients. This won’t change unless we modify the rules and require Medicare to negotiate lower prices. Please click to sign the petition, before it’s too late.

Thank you for your activism and your support.

Richard Fiesta
Executive Director
Alliance for Retired Americans