URGENT ACTION ALERT: Affordable Care Act Repeal is Back!

APWU e-Team News Update

The APWU is committed to fighting so that all Americans have access to the highest quality and most cost-effective health care services available, regardless of their employment, income, or health care status.

There is much work still to be done, but the Affordable Care Act (ACA), which our friends, families, and communities rely on, is in danger once again. We have to hold the line. The ACA has helped insure tens of millions of Americans.

While we must continue to work towards affordable and quality health care as a right for all, any attempt to repeal ACA takes us in the wrong direction.

Unfortunately, this week, the United States Senate is working on their newest attempt to repeal the ACA. The Graham-Cassidy Affordable Care Act repeal bill is gaining steam and could pass through Congress next week!

This bill, like other repeal attempts, is riddled with catastrophic measures, including:

  • Dropping an estimated 32 million people from their coverage;
  • Ending Medicaid expansion, currently covering 11 million low-income adults;
  • Ending federal protections for those with pre-existing conditions.

This is just the tip of the iceberg – there are many other detrimental provisions of this bill. We need to take this seriously and fight back once again. Please join your union brothers and sisters from around the country in urging your Senator to vote NO on the Graham-Cassidy Affordable Care Act repeal bill.

Call 1-888-865-8089 TODAY to urge your Senator to vote NO on the Graham-Cassidy Affordable Care Act repeal bill!